Protect the human

Friday, 2 May 2014


Madrid snuck up on me quietly and before I knew it I was in love. In spite of this, and also the fact that it's the capital, I don't know what to write about my time there. There were no obstacles to conquer; I had a secure roof over my head, a remarkable public transport network at my fingertips and there was tinto de verano. I saw my family who were the same oddballs that had a common appreciation of toilet humor and good food. It was nice having people to inconvenience who loved you unconditionally. We saw the sights and for three days it felt like one of our regular family holidays, and I almost forgot that they were going home without me.
And I saw Jess who was just the same undilutable cat, which in itself made me feel at home; like in Breakfast at Tiffany's in the jewelers scene  “Do they still really have prizes in Cracker Jack boxes?” “…Oh; yes.” “That’s nice to know… It gives one a feeling of solidarity, almost of continuity with the past, that sort of thing.” 
And now an ode to Sam, who I'm afraid will definitely have read some of my blog and this post too(hellooooo) and will by now have realized what a closeted nut he was hosting. Sam's two room flat without an oven and the Desiderata hanging on the wall made me want to pack in that university-come-September melaky and and be the Holly Golightly of Madrid. And Sam the man was great too, on his Mediterranean time zone which I tried my hardest to adjust to, and his appreciation of all things bad for you as well as the beauty of the world. And he welcomed me with open arms despite our entirely tenuous relation to one another. So thank you Sam.
If you want to know more about Madrid please follow the link below, cause that's all your getting from me.

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